Alibaba Cloud Product Comparison for AWS Professionals

Alibaba Cloud
3 min readFeb 14, 2018


To help our customers better understand Alibaba Cloud products and services, we have just released a product and service comparison article — Alibaba Cloud Product Comparison. If you are planning on building a multi-cloud cloud architecture or considering to migrate to Alibaba Cloud, this article is perfect for you. The compare platform series intend to help IT professionals, such as engineers and architects, who are already familiar with products and services from other cloud providers to evaluate the differences with Alibaba Cloud offerings and navigate through Alibaba Cloud services.

In this first Alibaba Cloud for AWS Professionals of the compare platform series, we will compare Alibaba Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS) in terms of product offerings, feature characteristics, and solution architecture. In the current revision, Compute, Storage, Content Delivery Network (CDN), and Security category products from both providers are available. With this comparison, we hope to reveal some of the similarities and differences between the two cloud platforms regarding concepts, terminologies, and implementation.

Alibaba Cloud and AWS Service Map

The following tables provide a one-to-one mapping of the services provided by AWS and Alibaba Cloud (international portal):


Storage & CDN




Monitoring & Management

Domains & Websites


Application Service

Media Services

Why Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud is a subsidiary of Alibaba Group, one of the world’s largest e-commerce conglomerates. Established in 2009, Alibaba Cloud was originally developed to serve the internal demands of Alibaba’s ecosystem, such as Taobao, Tmall, and Alipay, particularly during the Alibaba Singles’ Day event every November 11.

Alibaba Cloud is the leader of China’s cloud market, providing over 100 cloud computing products and servers to customers within Mainland China. With data centers spanning across 17 regions globally, Alibaba Cloud is not just as a specialist niche in the Asia market. According to the Gartner’s report Market Share Analysis: Public Cloud Services, Worldwide, 2016, Alibaba Cloud is the third largest cloud service provider globally.

Need Help with Migration?

Still not sure how or why you should try Alibaba Cloud? Talk to our experts today about the Alibaba Cloud Migration Service! Alibaba Cloud Migration Service provides cloud migration and implementation services for enterprise customers. Our migration services include Application Migration, Data Migration, and Big Data Implementation.

Visit the Alibaba Cloud for AWS Professionals page to get the detailed comparison and to view the full service map. Alternatively, you can download the full article in PDF format by clicking on this link.




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