ASM-Based gRPC Service Deployment Practice
After microservices, Service Mesh has been the next revolutionary technology to push the software industry forward. Its service governance methodology changed the application of technology and the process of service development.
With Service Mesh, the rules of user services and governance services running on the data plane are independent of each other. Its rule-definition component running on the control plane pushes specific traffic control rules to its proxy component running on the data plane. Then, the proxy controls the ingress and egress traffic of user services to manage the services.
Capabilities originally implemented by service developers, such as service discovery, fault tolerance, grayscale, and traffic replication, can be implemented by Service Mesh non-intrusively. Additionally, Service Mesh provides various features, such as access control, authentication, and authorization, to further reduce the costs of developing user services.
Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (ASM) is a managed service mesh based on Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK)., ASM horizontally integrates the cloud-native capabilities of Alibaba Cloud in the underlying layer while providing comprehensive Service Mesh capabilities. This eliminates the tedious work of building and operating Istio for users. Istio is an open-source independent service mesh that provides the fundamentals you need to successfully run a distributed microservice architecture. This article explains how to host gRPC services on ASM.
1. gRPC Service
Similar to the HTTP protocol, the gRPC protocol supports communication between services written in different programming languages or running on different operating systems. The gRPC protocol also supports stream-based communication. gRPC has gradually become an industry standard. If your gRPC service is mesh-based, services that support different protocols than yours can connect to your service mesh at low costs after the protocols are converted to gRPC. This allows services to communicate across different technology stacks.
This sample project of a gRPC service is written in Java (the most popular programming language) and uses Spring Boot (the most efficient programming framework.) The following figure shows the topology of the sample project:
1.1 Spring Boot
Common — proto2java
The sample project consists of three modules: Common, Provider, and Consumer. The Common module converts the protobuf that defines the gRPC service into the Java RPC template code. The Provider and the Consumer modules depend on the Common module and serve as the server and client of the gRPC service, respectively.
The protobuf of the sample project is defined in the following snippet to implement two methods: SayHello
and SayBye
. The input and output parameters of the SayHello
methods are strings. SayBye
has only one output parameter, which is also a string.
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
package org.feuyeux.grpc;option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.feuyeux.grpc.proto";service Greeter {
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
rpc SayBye (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (HelloReply) {}
}message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
}message HelloReply {
string reply = 1;
You can use the protobuf-maven-plugin
to automatically generate the RPC template code. Then, you can use the RPC template code to build the Common module.
Provider — grpc-spring-boot-starter
The Provider module uses the grpc-spring-boot-starter
package to minimize coding and implement the gRPC server logic. This sample implements two gRPC methods to show you how different results are returned when the traffic is different.
The code sample for the first method is shown below:
public class GreeterImpl extends GreeterImplBase { @Override
public void sayHello(HelloRequest request, StreamObserver<HelloReply> responseObserver) {
String message = "Hello " + request.getName() + "!";
HelloReply helloReply = HelloReply.newBuilder().setReply(message).build();
} @Override
public void sayBye( request, StreamObserver<HelloReply> responseObserver) {
String message = "Bye bye!";
HelloReply helloReply = HelloReply.newBuilder().setReply(message).build();
The code sample for the second method is shown below:
public class GreeterImpl2 extends GreeterImplBase { @Override
public void sayHello(HelloRequest request, StreamObserver<HelloReply> responseObserver) {
String message = "Bonjour " + request.getName() + "!";
HelloReply helloReply = HelloReply.newBuilder().setReply(message).build();
} @Override
public void sayBye( request, StreamObserver<HelloReply> responseObserver) {
String message = "au revoir!";
HelloReply helloReply = HelloReply.newBuilder().setReply(message).build();
Consumer — RESTful
The Consumer module is used to expose RESTful services to external users and to call the gRPC provider (server) as a gRPC client. The code sample is shown below:
public class GreeterController {
private static String GRPC_PROVIDER_HOST; static {
GRPC_PROVIDER_HOST = "provider";
} @GetMapping(path = "/hello/{msg}")
public String sayHello(@PathVariable String msg) {
final ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(GRPC_PROVIDER_HOST, 6565)
final GreeterGrpc.GreeterFutureStub stub = GreeterGrpc.newFutureStub(channel);
ListenableFuture<HelloReply> future = stub.sayHello(HelloRequest.newBuilder().setName(msg).build());
try {
return future.get().getReply();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
LOGGER.error("", e);
return "ERROR";
} @GetMapping("bye")
public String sayBye() {
final ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(GRPC_PROVIDER_HOST, 6565)
final GreeterGrpc.GreeterFutureStub stub = GreeterGrpc.newFutureStub(channel);
ListenableFuture<HelloReply> future = stub.sayBye(Empty.newBuilder().build());
try {
return future.get().getReply();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
LOGGER.error("", e);
return "ERROR";
Note: The variable GRPC_PROVIDER_HOST
in ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(GRPC_PROVIDER_HOST, 6565)
is used to obtain the address of the Provider service. As you can see, there is no service discovery capability in the service development process. The value of the GRPC_PROVIDER_HOST
variable is obtained from the system environment variable. Also, when the value is empty, a hardcode value provider is used. This value is used as the default value of the Provider service configured in Istio.
1.2 cURL and gRPCurl
This section shows you how to locally run and test the sample project. First, run the following scripts to build and run the Provider and Consumer services:
# terminal 1
mvn clean install -DskipTests -U
java -jar provider/target/provider-1.0.0.jar# terminal 2
export GRPC_PROVIDER_HOST=localhost
java -jar consumer/target/consumer-1.0.0.jar
Then, use cURL to send an HTTP request to the Consumer:
# terminal 3
$ curl localhost:9001/hello/feuyeuxHello feuyeux!$ curl localhost:9001/byeBye bye!
Finally, use gRPCurl to test the Provider:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d @ localhost:6565 org.feuyeux.grpc.Greeter/SayHello <<EOM
"reply": "Hello feuyeux!"
}$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:6565 org.feuyeux.grpc.Greeter/SayBye
"reply": "Bye bye!"
1.3 Docker
After you test the service, create three Docker images, and deploy them on Kubernetes as Deployments. Take the Dockerfile
of the Provider as an example:
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
ARG JAR_FILE=provider-1.0.0.jar
COPY ${JAR_FILE} provider.jar
COPY grpcurl /usr/bin/grpcurl
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/provider.jar"]
Use the following script to build the images and push them to a remote repository:
docker build -f grpc.provider.dockerfile -t feuyeux/grpc_provider_v1:1.0.0 .
docker build -f grpc.provider.dockerfile -t feuyeux/grpc_provider_v2:1.0.0 .
docker build -f grpc.consumer.dockerfile -t feuyeux/grpc_consumer:1.0.0 .docker push feuyeux/grpc_provider_v1:1.0.0
docker push feuyeux/grpc_provider_v2:1.0.0
docker push feuyeux/grpc_consumer:1.0.0
Use the following script to run and test a service locally:
# terminal 1
docker run --name provider2 -p 6565:6565 feuyeux/grpc_provider_v2:1.0.0# terminal 2
docker exec -it provider2 sh
grpcurl -v -plaintext localhost:6565 org.feuyeux.grpc.Greeter/SayBye
# terminal 3
export LOCAL=$(ipconfig getifaddr en0)
docker run --name consumer -e GRPC_PROVIDER_HOST=${LOCAL} -p 9001:9001 feuyeux/grpc_consumer
# terminal 4
curl -i localhost:9001/bye
1.4 Istio
After you test the images, proceed to the next step. This section comprehensively describes the service governance configuration for the following topology:
The Deployment of the Consumer is declared below:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
app: consumer
version: v1
- name: consumer
image: feuyeux/grpc_consumer:1.0.0
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- containerPort: 9001
The Deployment of Provider 1 is declared below:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: provider-v1
app: provider
version: v1
- name: provider
image: feuyeux/grpc_provider_v1:1.0.0
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- containerPort: 6565
The Deployment of Provider 2 is declared below:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: provider-v2
app: provider
version: v2
- name: provider
image: feuyeux/grpc_provider_v2:1.0.0
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- containerPort: 6565
The three images that you created in previous steps are used in Deployments. When the value of imagePullPolicy
is set to IfNotPresent
, these images are pulled when they are not present locally.
Note: The values of the
fields of Provider 1 and Provider 2 are both set to "provider." This label is the unique identifier of a Provider. Two Providers are discovered and recognized by the Selector component of the Service Module as two versions of the same Provider service only when values of their
fields are the same.
Service Discovery
The Service of a Provider is declared below:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: provider
app: provider
service: provider
- port: 6565
name: grpc
protocol: TCP
app: provider
As mentioned earlier, as a service developer, you do not need to implement the service registration and service discovery functions. You do not need to call components, such as ZooKeeper, etcd, and Consul, from the client to implement the sample project. The domain name of a service is used as the name for service registration, and the corresponding instance can be found based on this name when the service is discovered. Therefore, the hard-coded value “provider” is used.
gRPC Routing
In a classic scenario of service governance, different RESTful methods are routed to HTTP services by matching the paths. gRPC routing is similar and is implemented through HTTP/2. The service API and method name of gRPC in HTTP/2 format is: Path:/Service-Name/{method name}
. Therefore, you can define the following matching rules for the VirtualService
of Gateway:
kind: VirtualService
name: grpc-gw-vs
- "*"
- grpc-gateway
- match:
- uri:
prefix: /org.feuyeux.grpc.Greeter/SayBye
- uri:
prefix: /org.feuyeux.grpc.Greeter/SayHello
AB Traffic
After understanding path-based gRPC routing, you can define AB traffic like this:
kind: VirtualService
name: provider
- grpc-gateway
- provider
- match:
- uri:
prefix: /org.feuyeux.grpc.Greeter/SayHello
name: hello-routes
- destination:
host: provider
subset: v1
weight: 50
- destination:
host: provider
subset: v2
weight: 50
- match:
- uri:
prefix: /org.feuyeux.grpc.Greeter/SayBye
name: bye-route
At this point, the core capabilities of the sample project have been outlined. For more information about the code, clone this sample project. The next section shows you how to deploy your gRPC service instance on ASM.
2. Service Mesh Practices
2.1 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster
Log on to the ACK console with your Alibaba Cloud account to create a Kubernetes cluster. For more information, please see the help document: Quickly create a Kubernetes cluster.
2.2 Service Mesh
Log on to the ASM console to create an ASM instance. For more information, please see the help document: Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh > Quick Start > Use Process.
After you create an ASM instance, ensure that an ACK cluster has been added to the data plane. Then, configure the data plane.
2.3 Data Plane
You must check the following two kubeconfig files before you deploy your app on the data plane.
- Go to the ACK instance page, obtain the kubconfig file, and save it to a local directory:
. - Go to the ASM instance page, click “Configure Connection” to obtain the kubconfig file, and save it to a local directory:
Note: Use the ~/shop/bj_config
during deployment on the data plane, and use the ~/shop/bj_asm_config
during deployment on the control plane.
Auto-Injection Configuration
kubectl \
--kubeconfig ~/shop/bj_config \
label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
Log on to the ACK console, and choose “Clusters > Namespaces” in the left-side navigation pane to configure auto-injection.
Deploying Deployments and Services
export DEMO_HOME=kubectl \
--kubeconfig ~/shop/bj_config \
apply -f $DEMO_HOME/istio/kube/consumer.yamlkubectl \
--kubeconfig ~/shop/bj_config \
apply -f $DEMO_HOME/istio/kube/provider1.yamlkubectl \
--kubeconfig ~/shop/bj_config \
apply -f $DEMO_HOME/istio/kube/provider2.yaml
You can go to the following pages on the ACK console to view existing deployments, pods, and services:
You can run the following command to verify whether the pod status meets your expectations:
$ kubectl \
--kubeconfig ~/shop/bj_config \
consumer-v1-5c565d57f-vb8qb 2/2 Running 0 7h24m
provider-v1-54dbbb65d8-lzfnj 2/2 Running 0 7h24m
provider-v2-9fdf7bd6b-58d4v 2/2 Running 0 7h24m
Ingress Gateway Service
Finally, configure the Ingress Gateway Service on the ASM console to expose port 9001 for HTTP and port 6565 for gRPC.
The Ingress Gateway IP address will be used in the test and verification process later.
2.4 Control Plane
Gateway Deployment
kubectl \
--kubeconfig ~/shop/bj_asm_config \
apply -f $DEMO_HOME/istio/networking/gateway.yaml
After you deploy a gateway instance, you can view it on the Service Gateway page of the Control Plane on the ASM console. You can also create and delete Gateway instances of ASM on this page.
VirtualService Deployment
kubectl \
--kubeconfig ~/shop/bj_asm_config \
apply -f $DEMO_HOME/istio/networking/gateway-virtual-service.yamlkubectl \
--kubeconfig ~/shop/bj_asm_config \
apply -f $DEMO_HOME/istio/networking/provider-virtual-service.yaml
kubectl \
--kubeconfig ~/shop/bj_asm_config \
apply -f $DEMO_HOME/istio/networking/consumer-virtual-service.yaml
After you deploy a virtual service, you can view a list of VirtualService
instances on the VirtualService
page of the Data Plane on the ASM console. You can also create and delete ASM VirtualService instances on this page.
DestinationRule Deployment
kubectl \
--kubeconfig ~/shop/bj_asm_config \
apply -f $DEMO_HOME/istio/networking/provider-destination-rule.yamlkubectl \
--kubeconfig ~/shop/bj_asm_config \
apply -f $DEMO_HOME/istio/networking/consumer-destination-rule.yaml
After you deploy a destination rule, you can view a list of DestinationRule
instances on the DestinationRule
page of the Control Plane of the ASM console. You can also create and delete ASM DestinationRule instances on this page.
2.5 Traffic Verification
After you deploy the gRPC service on ASM, you must verify the traffic of the following link:
for ((i=1;i<=10;i++)) ;
curl ${HOST}:9001/hello/feuyeux
Then, verify the traffic of the following link:
# terminal 1
java -jar consumer/target/consumer-1.0.0.jar# terminal 2
for ((i=1;i<=10;i++)) ;
curl localhost:9001/bye
So far, the gPRC service has been successfully deployed on ASM. You can explore more ASM capabilities based on your business requirements. We encourage you to share your ideas with us.