Developing an Infrared Thermometer with an App Based on the WiFi Module of AliOS
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Non-contact infrared thermometers have been widely used in medical treatment, environmental monitoring, personal health, besides several other fields. This article will show you how to quickly complete body temperature detection by using the Wi-Fi module of AliOS Things Inside. The process covers sensor data collection, access to Link Living, and rapid app development for monitoring. With the complete solution from end devices to the cloud application provided by Alibaba Cloud’s IoT Platform, smart device manufacturers can be empowered to build automated body temperature measurement devices and solutions, which can replace manpower, reducing personnel exposure risks in and improving screening efficiency.
Hardware and Software Environments
Software Platform
- Cloud — Link Living
Link Living provides device access capabilities, mobile client SDKs, and development-free public app and interfaces. With this platform, developers can quickly make devices smart devices.
- Mobile terminal — Cloud Intelligence (public app)
Cloud Intelligence is a public app provided by Link Living. After you download the app, you can use it to perform network provisioning configuration and control your devices without additional development. You can search and download Cloud Intelligence in mainstream app stores around the world.
- Device — AliOS Things version 3.0.0
AliOS Things is a lightweight operating system for IoT. It supports a variety of chips, can easily integrate temperature sensors, and can connect to Link Living by using the device SDK. The latest version 3.0.0 is used here.
Hardware Platform
- Hardware platform
ESP8266 nodeMCU is used as the hardware platform, which supports Wi-Fi connectivity and provides interfaces, such as I2C and UART, and the FLASH button, which can be used to trigger body temperature detection and reporting.
- Sensor — MLX90614ESF-DCI-000-TU (I2C interfaces)
This sensor is a non-contact infrared thermometer that supports the I2C communication protocol. It uses SDA and SCL lines which can be connected to ESP8266 development board.
The specification is as follows:
- Hardware connection
The following table shows the mapping of physical pins between the development board and the sensor.
Configuration on the Cloud
Before you create products and devices on Link Living, make sure you have made the following preparations:
- You have created an Alibaba Cloud account and passed real-name verification. For more information on how to create an Alibaba Cloud account, see Sign up with Alibaba Cloud.
- You have activated the Link Living service.
Create a Product
You have created a project and a product on the console, and have defined the product features. When you define the product features, pay attention to the following two points:
1. You must select Thermometer from the Product Category drop-down list. The “Body Temperature” has been included in the standard features. You only need to modify the value range in data definition to 0 to 99.
2. As shown in the preceding figure, the identifier used on the device for reporting the temperature should be consistent with that configured on the cloud, such as the identifier “Body Temperature” in the figure.
Add Test Devices
Add test devices, and record the credentials for device activation, which are ProductKey
, ProductSecret
, DeviceName
, and DeviceSecret
, as shown in the red box below. Configure the credentials on the device later.
Configure the App
The process for configuring parameters for Cloud Intelligence is as follows:
- Turn on the control switch of the public app. For more information, see Configure an app delivery terminal.
- Set app parameters, among which Select Product Panel, Multi-Language Management, and Network Provisioning Configuration Guidance are required.
- Download Cloud intelligence.
- Scan the QR code for network provisioning configuration, bind the device, and then debug the device.
Code Migration
Get the Reference Code as shown in the following figure, and integrate as follows.
ESP8266 Board Adaptation
For the ESP8266 development board selected previously, to ensure the normal operation of button press interrupts, I2C, and other functions, the following modifications are required:
- Modification of GPIO pins corresponding to the FLASH button.
- Modification of pins corresponding to I2C bus.
- Adaptation of ESP8266 to support C99 compilation.
For specific modifications, see the patch file 001-aos-3-0-0-esp8266.patch
in the attachment, which is generated based on AliOS Things version 3.0.0. Copy it to the root directory of AliOS Things 3.0.0 and run the following command to install the patch:
patch -p1 < ./001-aos-3-0-0-esp8266.patch
Driver Migration
MLX90614 is an infrared thermometer for non-contact temperature measurements. We will introduce its usage instructions. The EEPROM of MLX90614 is mainly used for parameter configuration. For more information, see the official manual.
The RAM of MLX90614 is read-only. Users can read temperature and other data. For example, the temperature data of the detected object can be obtained through the Tobj1
on RAM.
The I2C bus accesses the sensor through the device address 0X5A (MLX90614 factory settings). The following table lists the mapping commands for RAM access and EEPROM access.
For example, to access the 0X4 address on EEPROM (Emissivity correction coefficient), you can obtain the operation code in the following way:
- The EEPROM is accessed, and the first three bits of the operation code are 0b001.
- The last five bits are the access address, which is 0X4 and 0b00100 in binary format.
- Combine them as shown in the preceding figure. The operation code is 0b00100100, that is, 0X24.
In the same way, the operation code for reading the temperature register (Tobj1) data of the detected object through RAM is 0X7.
The driver code located in drv_temp_melexis_mlx90614.c
for reading the temperature of the detected object is as follows:
static int drv_temp_melexis_mlx90614_read(void *buf, size_t len)
int ret = 0;
size_t size;
uint8_t data[2];
int32_t temp;
uint32_t value;
temperature_data_t *pdata = (temperature_data_t *)buf;
if (buf == NULL) {
return -1;
} size = sizeof(temperature_data_t);
if (len < size) {
return -1;
} /* 通过I2C读取RAM上的Tobj寄存器
MLX90614_TOBJ1为访问Tobj1的操作码0X07 */
ret = hal_i2c_mem_read(&MLX90614_ctx, MLX90614_ctx.config.dev_addr, MLX90614_TOBJ1, I2C_REG_LEN, data,
value = data[0] | (data[1]<<8);
if (unlikely(ret)) {
return -1;
/* 寄存器的值转换成温度数据,单位为0.01℃ */
temp = ((int32_t)value * 2) - 27315;
pdata->t = temp;
pdata->timestamp = aos_now_ms(); return (int)size;
The following describes how to integrate the driver. Copy the driver file drv_temp_melexis_mlx90614.c
to the driverssensordrv directory
, and add the compilation configuration on the first line of
$(NAME)_SOURCES += drv/drv_temp_melexis_mlx90614.c
Use Case Migration
Copy the use case code (thermometer folder) to the app example directory, and add the case compilation configuration in
source "app/example/thermometer/"
default "thermometer"
The initialization process is as follows. For more information, see the entry function application_start
The button press interrupt-related code of ESP8266 is in mcuesp8266bspkey.c
. After you press the button, the callback function will trigger different events through aos_post_event
based on the pressing time (short press, long press for 2 seconds, and long press for 6 seconds). The callback function registered in application_start
will respond to the aforementioned events. The code for the callback function is as follows:
/* 按键回调函数 */
void linkkit_key_process(input_event_t *eventinfo, void *priv_data)
if (eventinfo->type != EV_KEY) {
} if (eventinfo->code == CODE_BOOT) {
if (eventinfo->value == VALUE_KEY_CLICK) {
/* 短按(>40ms),触发一次体温检测,并上报云端 */
} else if (eventinfo->value == VALUE_KEY_LTCLICK) {
/* 长按(>2s), 触发系统进入配网模式 */
} else if (eventinfo->value == VALUE_KEY_LLTCLICK) {
/* 长按(>6s),会清除配网信息,并复位系统 */
You can see the code for the detection and reporting processes of body temperature data, as shown in the following figure. If the temperature is lower than the normal body temperature range (34°C to 42°C [93.2°F to 107.6°F]), the reported data is 0. If the temperature is higher than the normal body temperature range, the reported data is 99.
/* 读取温度数据并上报云端 */
void app_sensor_test()
int ret;
char param[128];
temperature_data_t temp;
double data = 0.0; /* 读取温度传感器数据 */
ret = sensor_hal_read(TAG_DEV_TEMP, 0, &temp, sizeof(temp));
if(ret <= 0){
printf("\nSensor data read fail \n");
} data = (double)temp.t;
data = data/100.0; /* 人体温度数据校准 */
data = data - (data * data * data *data * data* data) * 0.000125 +
(data * data * data *data * data) * 0.0283429488 -
(data * data * data *data ) * 2.67004808 +
(data * data * data ) * 133.762569 -
(data * data ) * 3758.41829 +
(data ) * 56155.4892 -
348548.755; if (data < 34.0) {
data = 0.0;
printf("\nNot the normal range of human body temperature (34 ~ 42℃ ) \n");
else if (data > 42.0) {
data = 99.0;
printf("\nNot the normal range of human body temperature (34 ~ 42℃ ) \n");
/* 网络连接检测 */
if (!app_conect_check()) {
printf("\nNetwork is not connected\n");
} memset(param, 0, 128); /* 构建上报云端的payload */
sprintf(param, PROP_POST_FORMAT_TEMP, data); /* 上报体温数据到云端 */
if (app_init_check() != 0) {
ret = IOT_Linkkit_Report(app_device_get(), ITM_MSG_POST_PROPERTY, (unsigned char *)param, strlen(param) + 1);
if (ret == -1) {
LOG("%s %d fail\n", __func__,__LINE__);
Quadruple Modification
Update the device credentials (quadruple) recorded in Section 3.2 to app_entry.h
under the directory of appexamplethermometer
on the device.
#define PRODUCT_KEY "xxxxxxxxxxx"
#define PRODUCT_SECRET "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
#define DEVICE_NAME "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
#define DEVICE_SECRET "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Identifier Confirmation
Make sure that the identifier corresponding to the reported body temperature on the device (app_entry.h
under the directory of appexamplethermometer
) is consistent with the cloud configuration in Section 3.1.
#define PROP_POST_FORMAT_TEMP "{\"BodyTemperature\":%.1f}"
Compile and Run
1. Run the following command in the OS directory to complete the compilation.
make thermometer@esp8266 -c config
aos make
3. The compiled firmware thermometer@esp8266.bin is in the outthermometer@esp8266binary directory.
4. Burn it by using FLASH_DOWNLOAD_TOOLS of ESP8266.
The development board is as follows:
After the board is reset, long press the FLASH button more than 2 seconds to start the network configuration provisioning process.
After the network provisioning configuration is successful, short press the FLASH button (more than 40 milliseconds) to trigger a temperature collection, upload it to the cloud, and push it to Cloud Intelligence on the mobile.
It should be noted that calibration has been added to the use case. The temperature range is 34℃ to 42℃ (93.2°F to 107.6°F). When the temperature is below this range, the reported data is 0. When the temperature is above this range, the reported data is 99.
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