How to Launch a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Instance on ECS?
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Create an Alibaba Cloud Account
Register and create an Alibaba Cloud account from here —
Specify an SSH Key Pair
To specify an SSH key pair when creating a Linux instance, you must create an SSH key pair in the target region.
- Log on to the ECS console.
- In the left-side navigation pane, choose Networks and Security > SSH Key Pair.
- Click Create SSH Key Pair.
- Enter a name for the SSH key pair, and then select Auto-Create SSH Key Pair.
- Click OK to create the SSH key pair.
Assign an Elastic IP
To assign an Elastic IP, you must create an EIP in the Network & Security section.
- Log on to the VPC console.
- In the left-side navigation pane, choose Elastic IP Addresses.
- On the Elastic IP Addresses page, click Create EIP.
- On the Elastic IP page, configure the EIP by specifying Region, Max Bandwidth, and Quantity.
- Then, click the Buy Now and complete the payment
- Click OK to create the SSH key pair.
Create a Security Group
Create a Security group with the required rules.
- Log on to the ECS console.
- In the left-side navigation pane, choose Network and Security > Security Groups.
- Select a region.
- Click Create Security Group.
- In the displayed Create Security Group dialog box, Select template Custom, Enter a name for the security group, Enter a description of the security group, Select Network type as VPC and Enter inbound rules.
Step 1. Let’s begin with purchasing ECS, go to and click Buy Now.
Step 2. Log on to the ECS console. If you do not have an account, register with a simple Sign Up process.
Step 3. Complete the Basic Configurations as follows:
- Select a Billing Method: Subscription, Pay-As-You-Go or Preemptible Instance.
- Select a region and zone. By default, a zone is assigned randomly. You can select a zone that better meets your needs.
- Select an Instance type and specify the number of Instances. The availability of an Instance type family is determined by the selected region.
- Select Public image, and then select Red Hat from the OS dropdown menu. In version selection, choose Enterprise Linux 8.
- Select storage devices:
- System Disk: Required. A system disk is required for installing the operating system. Specify the cloud disk category and size for the system disk. The default size is 40 GiB, with a maximum size of 500 GiB.
- Data Disk: Optional. If you create a cloud disk as a data disk, you must select the disk type, size, and quantity, and set whether to encrypt it. You can create an empty data disk or create a data disk from a snapshot. Up to 16 data disks can be added.
Step 4. Click Next: Networking to finish the network and security group configuration:
- Select a network:
- VPC: You must select a VPC and a VSwitch. If you do not have a VPC and a VSwitch, you can use the default ones.
- Configure the Network Billing Method:
- To assign a public IP address to the instance, select Assign public IP. Then, select Pay-By-Traffic as the network billing method and specify the bandwidth.
- Instances use an Elastic IP (EIP) address to access the Internet, you do not need to assign a public IP address. You can detach an EIP address from an instance.
- You can also select the Network Bandwidth as required.
- Select a security group. If you have not created a security group, you can use the default security group.
Step 5. Click Next: System Configurations to finish the following configuration:
- Select and set login credentials. You can choose Set Later or set it now.
- Specify the instance name, which is displayed in the ECS console, and the hostname, which is displayed inside the guest operating system.
Step 6. (Optional) Click Next: Grouping to manage instances by the group. You can add tags to instances to simplify future management.
Step 7. Click the Preview button to confirm your order.
- In the Configurations Selected area, confirm all the configurations. You can also click the edit icon to re-edit the configuration.
- Read and confirm you agree to the ECS Service Level Agreement.
Step 8. Click Create Instance. You can see your instance in the Console. Wait for a few minutes for the instance to display running status in Green color.
Your Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 server on Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) has been successfully launched.