How to Use Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service with QNAP

Alibaba Cloud
4 min readJan 16, 2019


By Wojciech Marusiak, Solution Architect

Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) is an encrypted, secure, cost-effective, and easy-to-use object storage service that enables you to store, back up, and archive large amounts of data in the cloud, with a guaranteed reliability of 99.999999999%. RESTful APIs allow storage and access to OSS anywhere on the Internet.

The 3–2–1 Backup Strategy

The 3–2–1 backup strategy means you should:

  1. Have at least three copies of your data.
  2. Store the copies on two different media.
  3. Keep one backup copy offsite.

For the Home users such a strategy could be difficult to achieve. Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service with Hybrid Backup Sync from QNAP could help you secure your data not only on-premises but as well in offsite location.

Configure OSS on your QNAP

In order to sync your backups to OSS we need to perform three tasks: create OSS bucket, create RAM User and configure QNAP Hybrid Backup Sync.

OSS bucket creation

  1. Login to Alibaba Cloud
  2. Navigate to Object Storage Service (OSS) product.
  3. Click Create Bucket
  1. Provide Bucket Name, choose Region, Storage Class and Access Control List.
  1. Take note of your OSS Endpoint. It will be needed later on to configure as backup destination. In my case it is

Create RAM User

  1. In Console navigate to Resource Access Management (RAM).
  2. Choose Users.
  1. Click Create User.
  1. Provide Logon Name and choose Programmatic Access to create AccessKeyID and AccessKeySecret. Click OK.
  1. Save the user AccessKeyID and AccessKeySecret. We will use it later to connect to OSS from QNAP Hybrid Backup Sync.
  1. Once the user is created we must grant him permission to use OSS. In this scenario we will use Alibaba Cloud System Policy called AliyunOSSFullAccess
  2. In the section Grants click Grant Permission.
  1. In the Principal section enter your username and choose appropriate OSS Policy. Click OK to confirm.
  1. Permission assignment was successful.

QNAP Hybrid Backup Sync

Once the Alibaba Cloud part is finished we need to create Hybrid Backup Sync Storage Space and Job.

  1. Login to QNAP NAS and open Hybrid Backup Sync.
  1. In the Jobs section choose Create Sync Job. Choose desired Sync Job type. For this article I will use One-Way Sync with the cloud.
  1. Direction selected is local to cloud. This means that selected data from QNAP will be synced to the cloud. As Alibaba Cloud is natively supported in QNAP select Alibaba Cloud icon.
  1. Enter display name, AccessKeyID and AccessKeySecret. Click Next.
  1. Enter Job Name, choose local folder to be synced with OSS and choose OSS bucket name.
  1. You can choose advanced settings and adjust schedule to your requirements.
  1. Finish the wizard by clicking Apply.
  2. By clicking on the job name you can verify if sync to OSS is working.

To learn more about storing and backing up data on Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service, visit




Alibaba Cloud
Alibaba Cloud

Written by Alibaba Cloud

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