Supporting 200 Billion Data Records in a Single RDS PostgreSQL Instance

Alibaba Cloud
8 min readDec 24, 2018


By Digoal

Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for PostgreSQL is capable of handling large amounts of records at a time. How much? Well, let’s look at an example to find out. Let’s assume we have 2 billion users, each with 1000 tags, and we need to perform user tagging and pivoting based on any combination of tags (the business requirement is to compute a combination of up to 100 tags at a time).

This is equivalent to handling 200 billion records at a time, each requiring real-time response.

You may think that this would need at least a hundred machines. But in fact, this amount of data only requires one ApsaraDB for RDS PostgreSQL instance. This article discusses the cutting-edge RDS PG technology that helps us solve this sort of business requirements while consuming minimum resources.

Optimization Solution to Improve Response Speed

  1. bitmap segmentation
  2. Use parallel computing to determine the USER COUNT which meets the tag conditions (using dblink asynchronous calls)
  3. Return streaming cursors when determining user IDs.

Sample Demo

Install required plug-ins

create extension dblink;  
create extension varbitx;

Create a tag table, and split it into segments, for example a table of 2 billion users may be split into 400 segments, with each segment having 50 million user BITs.

postgres=# create table t_bitmap (  
tagid int, -- Tag ID
ofid int, -- Offset value multiplied by 50 million
v varbit -- userid bit

Create an index (constraint)

create unique index idx_t_bitmap_1 on t_bitmap (tagid, ofid);

Create BITMAP data for 1000 tags, with 400 pieces of data for each tag, and each piece of data having a length of 50 million bits.

postgres=# do language plpgsql 

declare v varbit := repeat('1',5000000)::varbit;
for i in 1..100 loop
for x in 0..399 loop
insert into t_bitmap values (i, x, v);
end loop;
end loop;

Time: 150468.359 ms (02:30.468)

Create a function that generates dblink connections (does not report errors for repeated creations).

create or replace function conn(  
name, -- dblink name
text -- Connection string, URL
) returns void as

perform dblink_connect($1, $2);
exception when others then
language plpgsql strict;

Parallel computing function for AND tag combinations (dblink asynchronous parallelism) returns the USERID bitcount.

create or replace function get_bitcount_and(  
and_tagids int[], -- Enters the tag ID array
v_bit int, -- Determines the bitcount of 1 or 0
conn text, -- Connection string
OUT cnt int8 -- Returns value, the count of 1 or 0
) returns setof int8 as

for i in 0..399 loop -- Generates 400 links. There are exactly 400 links, because the length for each link is 50 million bits, and there are a total of 2 billion bits. Then LOOP
perform conn('link'||i, conn); -- Connects
perform dblink_get_result('link'||i); -- Consumes the result of the last asynchronous link, otherwise an error will be thrown.

-- Sends asynchronous DBLINK calls
-- One bit segment for each operation, returns the bitcount where the bit is either 0 or 1
perform dblink_send_query('link'||i, format('select bit_count(bit_and(v), %s) from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s', v_bit, and_tagids, i));
end loop;

for i in 0..399 loop
-- Returns results of asynchronous calls, including all segments
return query SELECT * FROM dblink_get_result('link'||i) as t(cnt int8);
end loop;
language plpgsql strict;

Parallel computing function for OR tag combinations (dblink asynchronous parallelism) returns the USERID bitcount.

create or replace function get_bitcount_or(  
or_tagids int[],
v_bit int,
conn text, -- Connection string
OUT cnt int8
) returns setof int8 as

for i in 0..399 loop
perform conn('link'||i, conn);
perform dblink_get_result('link'||i);
perform dblink_send_query('link'||i, format('select bit_count(bit_or(v), %s) from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s', v_bit, or_tagids, i));
end loop;

for i in 0..399 loop
return query SELECT * FROM dblink_get_result('link'||i) as t(cnt int8);
end loop;
language plpgsql strict;

Parallel computing function for AND/OR tag combinations (dblink asynchronous parallelism) returns the USERID bitcount.

create or replace function get_bitcount_and_or(  
and_tagids int[],
or_tagids int[],
v_bit int,
conn text, -- Connection string
OUT cnt int8
) returns setof int8 as

for i in 0..399 loop
perform conn('link'||i, conn);
perform dblink_get_result('link'||i);
perform dblink_send_query('link'||i, format('
with t1 as (select bit_and(v) b from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s),
t2 as (select bit_or(v) b from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s)
select bit_count(bitor(t1.b, t2.b), %s) from t1,t2',
and_tagids, i, or_tagids, i, v_bit));
end loop;

for i in 0..399 loop
return query SELECT * FROM dblink_get_result('link'||i) as t(cnt int8);
end loop;
language plpgsql strict;
-- A more complex query, parameters of which can be modified based on your needs. This is rarely needed for actual business.
-- (a and b andc or d) or (a and c) or (d and not b)..........

Performance of bitcount pivoting is as follows: only 1.5 seconds for a 50-tag combination, and 2.6 seconds for a 100-tag combination:

It only takes 2.6 seconds to count the combination of 200 billion user_tags (one record for each user, and 1000 tags for each record)!

One tag:  
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and(array_agg(id),1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,1) t(id)) t;
(1 row)

Time: 791.392 ms

A 10-tag combination:
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and(array_agg(id),1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,10) t(id)) t;
(1 row)

Time: 847.427 ms

A 50-tag combination:
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and(array_agg(id),1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,50) t(id)) t;
(1 row)

Time: 1478.847 ms (00:01.479)

A 100-tag combination:
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and(array_agg(id),1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,100) t(id)) t;
(1 row)

Time: 2574.761 ms (00:02.575)

The performance of the AND/OR combination is as follows, and is also very good:

postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and_or(array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 0 then id end), array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 1 then id end), 1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,1) t(id)) t;  

(1 row)

Time: 854.934 ms
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and_or(array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 0 then id end), array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 1 then id end), 1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,10) t(id)) t;
(1 row)

Time: 889.472 ms
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and_or(array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 0 then id end), array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 1 then id end), 1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,50) t(id)) t;
(1 row)

Time: 1519.031 ms (00:01.519)
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and_or(array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 0 then id end), array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 1 then id end), 1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,100) t(id)) t;
(1 row)

Time: 2597.701 ms (00:02.598)

The AND function that determines USERID is as follows. In order to achieve high speed response, we return cursors.

create or replace function get_pos_and(  
and_tagids int[], -- Tag combination
v_bit int -- Determines the bitcount of 1 or 0, returns the cursor. A cursor contains the ofid and the position subscript (of course, the translation action can also be done by the program, and then returns BIT and ofid)
) returns setof refcursor as

ref refcursor[]; -- Returns a cursor array
res refcursor; -- Returns a cursor
sql text; -- SQL text corresponding to the cursor, which is at the position of USERID
for x in 1..400 loop -- Generates 400 cursor names
ref[x] := 'cur'||x;
end loop;

for i in 0..399 loop
-- Uses the offset value from 0 to 399, and then multiplies it by the 50 million coefficient.

-- Grants a name to a cursor
res := ref[i+1];
-- Generates the dynamic SQL statement for the cursor (ofid, bit position). Note that the bit position can be either left untranslated or be translated by the program. When program translation is used, use the in query dictionary after the translation is done
-- select uid from uid_mapping where pos in (pos_array);
-- 100 million, in 1 million, 380 ms
--[HTAP database PostgreSQL scenarios and performance tests—No. 25 (OLTP) IN, EXISTS query](201711/
sql := format('select %s, bit_posite(bit_and(v), %s, true) from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s', i, v_bit, and_tagids, i);
-- Opens a cursor
open res for execute sql ;
-- Returns a cursor
return next res;
end loop;
language plpgsql strict;

The OR function that determines USERID is as follows. In order to achieve high speed response, we return cursors.

create or replace function get_pos_or(  
or_tagids int[],
v_bit int
) returns setof refcursor as

ref refcursor[];
res refcursor;
sql text;
for x in 1..400 loop
ref[x] := 'cur'||x;
end loop;

for i in 0..399 loop
res := ref[i+1];
sql := format('select %s, bit_posite(bit_or(v), %s, true) from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s', i, v_bit, or_tagids, i);
open res for execute sql ;
return next res;
end loop;
language plpgsql strict;

The AND_OR function that determines USERID is as follows. In order to achieve high speed response, we return cursors.

create or replace function get_pos_and_or(  
and_tagids int[],
or_tagids int[],
v_bit int
) returns setof refcursor as

ref refcursor[];
res refcursor;
sql text;
for x in 1..400 loop
ref[x] := 'cur'||x;
end loop;

for i in 0..399 loop
res := ref[i+1];
sql := format('with t1 as
(select bit_and(v) v from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s),
t2 as
(select bit_or(v) v from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s)
select %s, bit_posite(bitor(t1.v, t2.v), %s, true) from t1,t2',
and_tagids, i, or_tagids, i, i, v_bit);
open res for execute sql ;
return next res;
end loop;
language plpgsql strict;

The following example very quickly determines the USERID in only 88 ms.

postgres=# begin;  
Time: 0.031 ms
postgres=# select * from get_pos_and_or(array[1,2,3], array[4,5,6], 1);
(400 rows)

Time: 88.069 ms

It takes only 692 ms to determine the cursor values for 50 million IDs:

fetch 1 from cur1;  
Time: 692.408 ms

If bit position translation is done on the client, then we only need to get the resulting bitmap, which is much faster. It only takes 224 ms to return a bitmap for 50 million bits. This can be made concurrent, so that each client can get different ofids.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_pos_and(and_tagids integer[])
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
ref refcursor[];
res refcursor;
sql text;
for x in 1..400 loop
ref[x] := 'cur'||x;
end loop;
for i in 0..399 loop
res := ref[i+1];
-- sql := format('select %s, bit_posite(bit_and(v), %s, true) from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s', i, v_bit, and_tagids, i);
sql := format('select %s, bit_and(v) from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s', i, and_tagids, i);
open res for execute sql ;
return next res;
end loop;
postgres=# \timing
Timing is on.
postgres=# begin;
Time: 0.045 ms
postgres=# select get_pos_and(array_agg(id)) from generate_series(1,100) t(id);
(400 rows)
fetch 1 from cur1;
Time: 224.776 ms

We can also use the BIT operation to get USERIDs for users that contain a certain tag but do not contain another.


Users that contain b1, but do not contain b2postgres=# select b1 & bitxor(b1,b2) from (values (bit'11001100', bit'11000001')) as t(b1,b2);
(1 row)

In order to use this method, we can simply add a new UDF.


varbitx, an extension provided by Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for RDS PostgreSQL, enables real-time tagging for trillions of USER_TAGs using a single RDS PG.

We can use BITMAP segmentation, DBLINK asynchronous query, cursor, and other technologies to improve performance.

Performance indicators:

  1. Response speed of 2.6 seconds for determining the count of users that meet the tag conditions for 200 billion (2 billion users, a 100-tag combination) USER_IDs.
  2. It only takes 692 ms to determine USERID details, and return BIT positions of 50 million user IDs.
  3. It only takes 224 ms to determine USERID details and return a 50 million bit BITMAP.




Alibaba Cloud
Alibaba Cloud

Written by Alibaba Cloud

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